We offer a complete collection of filler masterbatches whose formula can be fully customized and tailor-made to your specific requirements. By using the twin-screw machine imported directly from Germany, we ensure that the filler masterbatch is the perfect combination of ultrafine calcium carbonate CaCo3 and blended polyolefin.
Our filler masterbatch includes but is not limited to the exclusive options such as the HD filler master batch, the HIPS filler master batch, the PE filler masterbatch, the PP filler masterbatch, transparent filler masterbatch and so much more. Our filler masterbatch products play vital roles in improving polymers’ physical properties and minimizing costs. If your firm is looking for a reasonably priced filler masterbatch that is of a consistently superb quality to support your blown film injection, extrusion, blow molding, production of woven sacks or non-woven textiles, or even the making jumbo bags, construction materials, pipe extrusion, plastic footwear, and housewares, you are in the right place.
PE Filler Masterbatch
Our PE Filler Masterbatch is the Polyethylene based masterbatch containing fine pure Calcium Carbonate CaCO3 powder, polyethylene PE as the carrier and other appropriate additives. We are one of the several manufacturers who has the authority of exploiting the ample high-calcium limestone resources. That is the reason why we take pride in delivering the most whiteness and awesome dispersion with excellent compatibility. Thus, if you are seeking the solution to improve the surface features, hardness, chemical & physical durability and the heat resistance of your products, then our polyethylene filler masterbatch is the best one!
PP Filler Masterbatch
PP Filler Masterbatch is a compound of Calcium Carbonate CaCO3, Polypropylene PP as the carrier, and other special additives by twin-screw machines. As it contains high-quality Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) powder, our PP filler masterbatch promises to deliver natural whiteness and excellent dispersion with perfect compatibility.
We offer the most cost-effective solution while improving the surface features, hardness, the physical and chemical durability of finished products, as well as heat resistance. Our PP filler masterbatch should be added into polyolefin resins during blow molding, blowing film, wire drawing, slip casting, injection or extrusion in order to displace the portion of the resins and plastic granules, improving properties and saving producing costs.
Bio Filler Masterbatch
In recent years, bioplastic has become a prominent trend in the world plastic industry. As a result of many countries banning plastic bags / disposable food packaging products, the trend of using bioplastic is increasing. Meeting that demand, we have launched the BiO Filler under the brand name BiOMates.
BiOMates is made of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and bio-resin as the carrier. It has compatibility with: PLA, PBS, PBAT, TPS. The advantage of BiOMates is its ability to decompose itself. If treated with a specialized waste treatment method, plastic products with BiO Filler can be decomposed in several months, and if in a natural environment, they will decompose after several years. 100 % biodegradable material that has been certified “OK compost” by VINCOTTE.
HD Filler Masterbatch
HD Filler Masterbatch is made from CaCO3, PE carrier, and other additives. Produce a strong HD thermoplastic while remaining lightweight. It contains a high proportion of CaCO3 which creates high whiteness and excellent dispersion with good compatibility. Our HD filler masterbatch offers a cost-saving solution while improving the hardness, surface features, heat resistance, and the physical and chemical durability of your plastic products.
HIPS Filler Masterbatch
High impact polystyrene filler masterbatch or as we usually call it, the HIPS Filler Masterbatch, is made from CaCO3, carrier resin, and other additives. Containing high CaCO3 loading, HIPS Filler delivers whiteness and excellent dispersion with good compatibility. It offers cost reduction while improving the hardness, surface features, heat resistance, and physical and chemical durability of plastic products.
Our high impact polystyrene HIPS filler masterbatch is widely applied in vacuum forming, outer casing, packaging, and other kinds of thermoforming processes. With the HIPS filler masterbatch, even after forming and heating, your products’ polished surface will definitely be retained. We make sure that the high impact strength of our HIPS filler masterbatch allows the product to be punched, sawn, guillotined and/or routered without any difficulty.
Talc Filler Masterbatch
Talc filler masterbatch which is made from high-quality talc with carrier resin and dispersant additives has good dispersion, a high possible usage rate, and superior processing performance. This product has many advantages, such as good gloss and color, increased heat resistance, good dispersion, and transformation features, high stability and ease of use. It also works to improve product quality and reduce the cost of manufacturing, while improving the stiffness, rigidity of the final product.
Talc filler masterbatch has anti-agglomerating features (antiblock) and helps smooth the surface without adding any antiblock additives. It can blend well with carrier resins and improve processing capability as well as the features of end-products according to the application. It reduces production cost. It is a kind of multi-functional masterbatch.
Transparent Filler Masterbatch
Our Transparent Filler Masterbatch is positioned as one of the top high-quality Calcium Carbonate masterbatches in the plastic industry. That is the combination of CaCO3 powder and appropriate additives based on Polypropylene (PP), Polyphenylene (PE) carrier, and other special additives.